our services
“Bush-hogging” is a term used to refer to mowing heavy grass and other vegetation using large tractors and rotary cutters. It is sometimes also referred to as “brush-hogging.”
We offer our bush-hog services to both residential as well as commercial customers. We have equipment suitable for the small lots to large acreage properties. As with all our equipment, we keep or cutters in top notch condition to provide our customers with a great looking and clean cut property each time.
Our customers include:
Commercial Properties
Hunting Clubs
HOA’s (Home Owners Associations)
Boom Mowing
Our boom mower is great for trimming hard to reach areas such as pond banks, ditches, embankments, and overgrown roadways. It is also great for fence lines that are only accessible with a tractor from one side. In most cases, without a boom mower, this work would have to be performed by hand with saws or string trimmers which is both time consuming and labor intensive. This piece of equipment has a reach of 16 feet and a cutting capacity of 4 inches in diameter. This would include grass, shrubs, saplings, and tree limbs. The mower is capable of cutting horizontal, vertical or anywhere in between. When the cutting is complete we have a grapple mounted on the front of the tractor to clean up left over larger material, if needed.
Boom mowing is great for the following areas:
Roadside trimming
Pond/lake shorelines
Tree canopies
Hunting properties
Access roads
Slope Mowing
This service coming soon!